diesel fuel injection part

Price :
On Demand
Quantity :
7800 1 x 20'
Standards & Approvals :
TDS availble
Payment Terms :
Expected Delivery Time :
7-14 days
Additional Requirement :
our packing, or OEM packing from 2 x 20', no addit
Price Valid Till :
Dec,31, 2024

Chinahanji Parts plant: We are specialized in manufacturing of diesel fuel injection system for quite a few years. Our parts include nozzle, elements & plunger, delivery valve, VE-pump and so on. All products are in higher quality with competitive price.Our excellent quality has been performance in various kind of reputation brand-BOSCH, ZEXEL,DENSO, Delphi.Now we are producing the parts which used in the engine system of M35A2 and M60 tank, the type of the parts are HD90101A and HD8821, their most competitive price(almost one tenth of the product which made in USA) and the same quality will meet your need fairly. Visit our website. http://www.chinahanji.com & http://www.vepump.cn Email:support@vepump.comTel:+86-594-3603380 Fax:+86-594-3600560

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