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ATDM is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Gilsonite in the world and has developed a strong working relationship with asphalt and bitumen manufacturer,Ink,primer and coating factories, famous companies in field of oil drilling over the world. We know Gilsonite, and the Gilsonite industry which helps in delivering excellent Gilsonite products to the customers.In 2012 we exported more than 200000 MT to more than 80 countries. Raw Gilsonite form or lump We have a lot of knowledge in case of using Gilsonite in various industrial and freely supporting and consulting our customers.According to customer requirement we can make special Gilsonite mixture and deliver according to the formula. Gilsonite is brand name for the mineral known as asphaltum, uintaite, Natural bitumen, mineral tar, mineral pitch, mineral bitumen, bitumen powder, drilling mud, or uintahite, which is found in commercial quantities only in the Utah of USA and Kermanshah of Iran. This unique mineral is used in more than 160 products, primarily in dark-colored printing inks and paints, oil well drilling muds and cements, asphalt modifiers, foundry sands additives and a wide variety of chemical products.

Company Profile

ATDM is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Gilsonite in the world and has developed a strong working relationship with asphalt and bitumen manufacturer,Ink,primer and coating factories, famous companies in field of oil drilling over the world. We know Gilsonite, and the Gilsonite industry which helps in delivering excellent Gilsonite products to the customers.In 2012 we exported more than 200000 MT to more than 80 countries.