Hot and Cold Discrimination Kit (celsius)

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Expected Delivery Time :
15-30 Days
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Price Valid Till :
Dec,31, 2024

Sammons Preston Hot and Cold Discrimination Kit, Celsius Designed to assess temperature discrimination by a simple, accurate and quantifiable method. Ideal for pediatric use Quick, painless and easy to use. Each kit contains two probes each for hot and cold temperatures, and a thermometer to determine water temperature. Thermometers in each probe indicate the exact temperature along the entire hot-to-cold range, for accurate assessment and reporting.

Company Profile

Rehab Mart Homecare was established in 1995, with the focus on marketing a broad range of hospital equipment, medical and healthcare products and assistive devices that enable the physically challenged and the elderly to undergo rehabilitation, lead a normal and productive life with the optimum level of independence, and re-integrate into the community. We endeavour to serve our customers with integrity, honesty and fairness.