What does ¡°handmade¡± mean on American Etsy?

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Dec,31, 2024

ETSY forcibly close my online shop without any notice, it is unreasonable. They should really care about the sellers. it is a large loss to them from sealing the store. I think the American handicrafts transactional website Etsy has the some unreasonable points. As we all know ,the real hand-made goods means that they are not made in any machine .Handmade things also can be classified into two kinds ,one is by individual and another is from teamwork, especially in some ancient countries with a long history, large amount of the complex handicrafts can not be made just by one person. So, not only the sellers, but also the buyers¡¯ interest was damaged by ESTY .It should state: individual transactional website, or change his operation philosophy . The original post website: http://forum.slmak.com/viewthread.php?tid=1137&extra=page%3D1

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